It’s all about you, not us.

A humble approach to making people extremely happy with their new bathroom is our focus.

It’s also about making the process as simple and clear as possible and ultimately exceeding people’s expectations.

The road from A to B’athroom is otherwise far from simple. The sheer choice of styles, specifications, products that look the same, but are priced so differently, the brands, shower flow-rates and terminology can send anyone’s head in a spin. We’re not afraid to admit that it still does that to us sometimes!!!


We are not truly a small company anymore, but we always aim to maintain our philosophy that you can’t get a more direct and personal service from a big company. You’ll always be a number, always be part of someone’s commission target and you’ll never know if the advice you’re being given benefits you, or them.

While we are still bathroom retailers, approved by leading brands, with a team, a top CAD system, delivery van and everything else you’d expect, the key difference comes from:

  1. Our design heritage - We all come from a design background. When we discuss and put forward ideas for you, you should ideally look for decades of knowledge of specific trained bathroom design expertise, decades of experience, close first-hand knowledge of plumbing and fitting requirements, interior design and a holistic appreciation for all things creative.

  2. Business-to-business background - We come from a world where the highest level of project management and communication skills are required. Wouldn’t it be nice to work with people who are concise and professional, and are also available to talk and email out of office hours when you are most available?

  3. Independence - Keeping away from tie-ins and exclusivity deals, we remain free to offer you almost every brand that exists. If you see a photo of something you like, we’ll hunt the earth to find it. 

  4. Immersive - We don’t just deliver boxes. We liaise with your fitters and immerse ourself in the project far more, as and where required. Decades of working with close friends, fitters, architects, builders and interior designers, we like builders and fitters to enjoy working with us and we make it our place to interface to help you avoid choosing the wrong products.

  5. Flexible - In our methods and the size and variety of project we undertake. We are more enthused by the scope of the project, rather than the size.